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Hey there! I’m Lauren– an overly aware people pleaser, hyperactive overachiever, and recovering perfectionist. I once thought doing literally everything would make me feel complete. Spoiler: It didn’t. I've got more accolades than cardigans (and trust me, that's a lot - over 20 to be exact), but I’ve always struggled with “being.” Since I was a kid—I was either “doing” or shut down. No in-between.

After becoming a Practice Owner, mother, and national speaker, my body started dropping not-so-subtle hints like "Hey, can we not?!"  I dived back into therapy and had an Oprah-level aha moment. All this “hustle without heart” nonsense? That was me self-sabotaging. So, with my M. A in Counseling from Trevecca Nazarene University and a license to help others, I'm on a mission to guide other overthinkers and overdoers to the holy grail of #mindfulhustle. Since I can't work with everyone all the time (hello trying not to be burned out) I wanted to create a companion for those needing more compassion.

Why? Because our world wants us to keep chasing this idea of "good enough" when the definition constantly changes (or we haven't even defined it for ourselves). It’s time to stop letting our "value" weigh us down. Burnout ends here.

NINE to Kind: shifting from burnout to self kindness

In a culture where more is more, it can be easy to get lost in the pursuit of “having it all.” Many of us are burned out and considering if the current pace of life is sustainable. The hard truth is that for most of us, our ability to “do it all” is wearing off, and we haven’t been given a roadmap of how to shift into sustainability. We need permission to reevaluate our day to day mindsets and systems in order to build a more efficient and kind lifestyle.

As a recovering perfectionist and licensed therapist, I offer mindset shifts and tactical strategies to help you begin your burnout repair and recovery journey. You will walk away with a better understanding of your burnout and with compassion to get the momentum going.

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